

Pokaż Surex na większej mapie
  • SUREX - Family business
  • 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
  • ul. Legionów 67 B

Berlin - Pyronale 30-31.08.2019


Again this year, "Best of Six" took place, i.e. pyrotechnic shows of all winning companies from the last six years.

On Friday 30.08.2019 three companies competed with each other for the audience award and the
"Winners of the Day" title. The effect of our work was appreciated and we won the statuette. The next day, August 31, another three companies presented their pyrotechnic shows and the winner of the day was chosen - the North Star Fireworks company from Norway. Then, after the jury deliberations, the results were announced.

This year we have defended this honorable title from 2012 and we have once again become the Champion out of six winning companies from recent years.


Friday 30th August 2019

Hamex - Slovenia

Martarello Ramos - Mexico

Surex -  Poland (title of WINNER OF THE WEEK from the audience)


Saturday 31th August 2019

Heron Fireworks - Netherlands

Pyro Events - Romania

North Star Fireworks - Norway (title of WINNER OF THE WEEK from the audience)


Order on the podium:

1st Place:

Surex - Poland (title of WINNER OF THE WEEK and Award From The Audience from 30.08.2019)

Taking first place "World Champion" among six winning companies from recent years "Best of Six"


2nd Place:

North Star Fireworks - Norway (title of WINNER OF THE WEEK and Award From The Audience from 30.08.2019)

3rd place:

Heron Fireworks - Netherlands